
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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摘要:本研究主要是运用观察法来对中班幼儿的行为进行观察,仔细观察记录幼儿的分享行为,同时注意观察了解发生与未发生分享行为幼儿在性格、社会性等方面的差异,以了解中班幼儿分享行为的现状,以及分享行为对幼儿社会性发展的关系,从而提出几点关于中班幼儿分享行为培养的措施:1.不断鼓励幼儿,让幼儿在练习中慢慢形成分享行为 2.随时提醒,反复刺激 3.根据幼儿的个体差异,对症下药 4.家园合作,为幼儿全面健全发展共同努力。

关键词:中班幼儿 分享行为 社会性发展


Abstract:This study is the use of observation to the behavior of the middle shift to observe children carefully observed and recorded children's sharing behavior, but to observe and understand the occurrence of sharing behavior did not occur in the character of children, social and other differences, to understand the middle shift the status of children sharing behavior, and sharing behavior on the relationship between social development of young children to share a few points about the behavior of child care training Intermediate measures: 1. continue to encourage children to give children to share in the exercise behavior of two slowly formed. at any time reminded repeatedly to stimulate 3. According to children's individual differences, the right medicine 4. home cooperation, joint efforts of the healthy development of children overall.

key words:the children of middle class  Sharing behavior  Social Development




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本研究主要是对教师运用访谈法,对幼儿运用观察法,通过参考国内外相关研究工具,最终确定以行为观察作为评定的工具。针对中班幼儿的分享行为研究以下内容。首先,运用访谈法......
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