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资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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ABSTRACT:Power system protection is to ensure the security and stability of the power system operation,restrictions on a large scale power blackouts most basic and most effective technological means.Zero-sequence current protection as a broad grounding power system short-circuit protection According to a short ground zero sequence current size of the emergence and features as fault,transformer phase operation.Single-phase automatic reclosing of factors such as zero-sequence current protection of the operation have a major impact,need to take the necessary corresponding device. 

   According to the design of protective relaying equipment in the power system,the application Details on the 220 kV high voltage power grid relay the zero-sequence current protection of the entire set design.

   Design process are as follows,first on the power system network parameters,to map out the sequence network map then choose a reasonable mode of operation,Calculation of the bus occurred metallic short-circuit fault circuit protection device by the short circuit current.According to the data collected and choice of the mode of operation with the best choice of protection and the protection of analysis and tuning,identify zero-sequence current protection of the setting value and three-phase reclosing devices Selection.

Key words:Locking devices;Zero-sequence protection;Three-phase reclosing

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:合理配置与正确使用零序保护装置,是保障电网安全运行地重要条件。从电网安全运行的角度出发,电网对継电保护装置提出了严格地“四性”要求,即选择性、速动性、灵敏性、可靠......
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