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资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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关键词:双回线路 ; 继电保护 ; 自动重合闸


ABSTRACT:This article  mainly starts from the same tower double-circuit transmission line relay protection of existing problems, and analyzes the influence factors of double circuit transmission line protection, mainly analyzes the influences of the transition resistance and the zero-sequence mutual inductance on double-circuit transmission line relay protection of power system wiring diagram, draw the line, to make a comprehensive analysis of the system, at the same time on 500KV line the given system is part of the three section of distance protection and pilot protection setting calculation, the pilot protection as the main protection, distance protection as a back-up protection, protection configuration according to the system requirements for protection, guarantee the relay protection options, quick, sensitive, reliable protection, on line in addition, occurred in the system fault, tripping, in order to ensure the power supply reliability, stability, closing the automatic reclosing double-circuit transmission line fault mainly discussed in this paper, by reclosing time setting according to the type of fault system, the protection configuration of double circuit

synthesis reclosing design.

Key words: Double circuit transmission line ;relaying protection ;Automatic reclosing

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:电力系统发生故障时,很多故障都是发生在输电线路上,为提高供电的稳定性,如果瞬时性故障切除后不能正常的重合闸,由于有些时候可能是瞬时性故障或是断路器、继电器的误动所......
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