
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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ABSTRACT:With the modernization of the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of production technology, the automation stereoscopic warehouse will be applied more and more widely, automated warehouse control technology will be more in-depth research, three-dimensional warehouse automation requirements will be increasingly high. In the automated warehouse control system, the main equipment is stacking machine, it is an important part of warehouse. In this paper, according to the requirements of modern logistics in the process, the design of the control system of an automated warehouse automatic stacking. The design is mainly used to control the PLC operation of the stacker, stacking machine is mainly composed of level walking, vertical telescopic mechanism, fork lift mechanism three parts. Horizontal, vertical lifting mechanism to control the operation of the stepping motor, and the telescopic fork is composed of DC motor reversing to control. Monitoring configuration software is used to run the work process of the warehouse. Complete the design of control system hardware and software. In the logistics warehousing control system in the future, the automation stereoscopic warehouse will be applied more and more widely. Application scenarios more for the research of automatic warehouse control system will.

Key words: Stereoscopic warehouse; stacker; plc control; Kingview software

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:随着现代化物流的不断发展,仓储控制设备的自动化程度将会从更高的方向发展,自动化控制的能力将会更强大,所以在今后的物流发展中,自动化立体仓库控制系统将会得到更多的重......
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