
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-14
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关键词 高压开关柜;10KV;KYN28A-12;电气设计


Abstract:Along with the electric power construction scope increasing in our country and the power technology developing, the enterprise improve the quality of requirements for switchgear products and put forward more requirements for their types.So,it request that designers should think more about these switchgear products.They should apply new technology and pay attention to the details to ensure that the security of the switchgear equipment is reliable.In this paper, I have compared several common switchgear products in the market, and selected KNY28A - 12 switchgear which is widely used in power distribution system for wiring.Mainly, I have chosen the line and measuring tank, PT transformer cabinets, power cabinet and outlet ark for detailed wiring design, and selected the corresponding electrical components.

Keywords  High voltage switchgear  10 KV  KYN28A-12  Electrical design

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:高压开关柜具有“五防”功能,即防止带负荷合闸,防止带接地线合闸,防止误入带电间隔,防止带电挂接地线,防止带负荷拉刀闸。“五防”功能常采用断路器、隔离开关、接地开关......
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