
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-14
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关键词 鼓风机;出口压力;静叶角度;电机调速


Abstract:The design is mainly to solve the control problem of the blower outlet pressure, the blower is a parameter of 30-200 kPa or compression ratio e is 1.3 to 3 fan. Mainly through the PLC controller vane angle adjustment and the motor speed to achieve the blower outlet pressure control. The control vane blower control is a critical part of the servo controller receives a command signal from the PLC controller, then, and the angle from the angular displacement sensor signal is compared, the difference obtained after the PID operation processing, the processing result of amplification to produce a can drive servo valve command signal, the servo valve control power oil, makes the valve control servo cylinder to achieve the desired position, to achieve the purpose of adjusting the angle vanes; blower motor speed control is also an important part of controlling the inverter receives a command signal from the PLC, frequency converter in order to change the outlet pressure purposes. So excellent outlet pressure control system is to ensure the normal operation of the premise that the blower.

Keywords   blower  outlet pressure   stator blade angle   motor speed

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:鼓风机出口压力控制系统是指在没有人直接控制的情况下,通过PLC控制器,使鼓风机的出口压力按程序设定的方式运作。它控制的方法很繁杂,要整理清楚控制量和被控制量的关系,组......
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