
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-14
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关键词 单片机;鱼缸;RS-232串口;GSM 通讯


Abstract:Because the existing ornamental aquarium’s water temperature monitoring, measurement of oxygen content, feeding are all manually performed, which brings lots of inconvenience to people. Based on the analysis and research on the current applications of most aquariums’ control devices, we put forward a design scheme of remote control system for household aquarium.

    This control system, taking single chip microcomputer of AT89C52 as the control core and combining DS18B20 temperature sensor technology and RY952 dissolved oxygen sensor technology, has realized multi-functions, including constant temperature, automatic oxygen and automatic feeding. At the same time,we also add a GSM communication module of TC35I in the system which can realize remote control and management of aquarium.The RS-232 serial communication is between the single chip microcomputer and the GSM module.

Keywords  single chip microcomputer  aquarium  RS-232  GSM communication

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:在本文中,每天的家庭水族馆维修水箱水温,含氧量,鱼饵和其他控制量为研究对象,在学习过程中的综合自动化应用技术,它是利用日常维护的先决条件高新技术改造原来的家水族馆......
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