
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-14
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关键词  居民楼太阳能;单片机;水位控制;水温控制;电加热


Abstract:This design is mainly design for a residential building solar energy water heater water level water temperature control system based on single chip microcomputer. Designed micro controller as the core, with the LM1042 water level sensor, LED ,as well as water temperature alarm device, solve solar water heater tank water level and temperature measurement and control, to achieve automatic water water shortage, water full or high temperature alarm. This design includes the module mainly comprises a water temperature detection and alarm, the keyboard input module, display module, electric heating, water module, with the basis of software design, for the existing solar water heater, single-chip microcomputer as the core, the system made further research and improve the intelligent level, perfect control system, in order to make people use solar water heater for more convenient.

Keywords  Residential building of solar energy  Single chip microcomputer  Water level control  Water temperature control  Electric heating

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:本设计以单片机AT89S51为核心,将来自传感器的温度及水位信号经过调理、AD转化后送入单片机,再由单片机根据相关结果进行控制,从而实现水箱内自动上水、自动加热以及自动报警等......
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