
资料分类:电气工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-25
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摘  要:电力负荷预测在电力系统运行和调度中起着非常重要的作用,可以经济合理的安排电网内部发电机组的启停,保持电网运行的安全稳定性,减少不必要的旋转储备容量;合理安排机组检修计划,保证社会的正常生产和生活,有效降低发电成本,提高经济效益和社会效益;在目前国内电力事业空前的发展前提下,用电管理走向市场,这就对电力负荷预测的预测模型提出了更高的要求。


关键词:电力负荷预测  电力系统  matlab  灰色预测


ABSTRACT:Power load forecasting in power system operation and scheduling plays a very important role in the grid can be economically reasonable arrangements for the internal generator set start and stop, maintaining security and stability of power system operation and reduce unnecessary rotating reserve capacity; reasonable arrangements for unit maintenance plan to ensure normal production and life of society, reduce electricity costs, improve economic and social benefits; unprecedented in the current development of the domestic power industry under the premise of power management to the market, which the predictive power load forecasting model proposed higher requirements.

   In this paper, a number of prediction methods, highlighting and comparing the stochastic time series forecasting techniques two kinds of method and gray prediction method. As Grey has less load forecast data, without considering distribution, without regard to trends, computing, easy inspection, etc., combined with the collected data load forecasting, this paper mainly adopts the gray prediction model load forecasting. And through the load forecasting software MATLAB simulation analysis. Simulation results validate the prediction method for load forecasting rationality and feasibility.

Keywords: power load forecasting;electric system;matlab;grey prediction

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:当前电力负荷预测的研究在国内备受关注,很多学者都提出了各自的想法。单渊达等人利用径向基函数(RBF)给神经网络预测系统的前向网络学习提出了一种全新和有效的方法。牛晓东......
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