
资料分类:教学研究 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-28
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Abstract:China has a historical glorious country, and an ancient country known for poetry. The classical poetry occupies the important status in our country well-established history art culture rivers. Our country’s classical poetry is one kind of load bearing true, the good and the beautiful artistic essence literary work. In the inheritance nationality fine culture and the casting healthy, in the aesthetic personality have the important status and the function. The Classic Poetry is part of the greatest cultural quality of the ancient culture of China, also is the important component of secondary language. The value of life of student is in the middle school time is also in the trend to form with the perfect stage, and typical aesthetic features and value of these classical poems. Carries on training of the aesthetic education and ability to the student. The enhancement of human quality has the vital and positive role. Therefore carries on the aesthetic education in the middle school classical poetry teaching to the student to be extremely essential.  

  This article in studying request foundation of new class sign prominent aesthetic education, analyzes the aesthetic education the significance of connotation and aesthetic education to middle-school student, carefully examines present situation which the modern middle-school student educates aesthetically. Fully understands the inevitability and pressing of middle school implementation aesthetic education under the new class sign. 

  Also through to middle school classical poetry aesthetic content artistic beauty, lives American and the natural beauty three aspects carries on the explanation. As well as the analysis of middle school classical poetry aesthetic feature, proves the classical poetry unique aesthetics characteristic, able to enrich and deepen the students' sense of beauty. Thus obtains the classical poetry the teaching is to realize the efficient path of middle-school student aesthetic education. 

  Finally it has concretely analyzed the aesthetic psychology characteristics of middle-school student. They desperately need the experience of beauty, beauty education to cultivate sentiments, develops to positive and the happy life direction. This is the quality of the perpetrators of aesthetic education requirements, and when the classical poetry aesthetic education should insist principle that influences subtly and adroitly guides action according to circumstances. Obtaining of research can implement the scene teaching, to recite the sensibility, the imagination association, the rational analysis and philosophy to ponder the teaching in five aspects in the middle school classical poetry teaching.   

Keywords: Chinese Education   Classical Poetry   Aesthetic Education


上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本文在研究新课标突出审美教育的要求基础上,分析审美教育的内涵和审美教育对中学生的意义,审视现代中学生审美教育的现状,充分认识在新课标下中学实施审美教育的必然性和紧......
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