
资料分类:金融翻译 上传会员:小兔乖乖 更新时间:2023-01-19
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Optimal Financing of The Industrial Enterprise


The opportunities for the enterprise financing depend on macroeconomic and microeconomic indicators. The enterprise life cycle has significant influence on financing of chosen development activities. Financing is one of key tasks in many enterprises. It is a process allowing the enterprise to survive or to progress. The aim of operative financing is to finane the enterprise current assets in order to maintain its constant run. It is realised in a form of short-term financing in most of cases but sometimes it has a form of middle-term financing. Operative cycles are important for enterprise because it influences the need of internal and external financial sources. Investment financing is related to long-term assets' acquisition. Its aim is to fulfil the investment needs of enterprise in a form of spreading investments. State budget withdraws part of financial means of enterprises in a form of taxes and fees. The cash-flow category is used more frequently especially in financial analyses in evaluating the financial stability of enterprise and causes of changes of money sources in short-term planning of financial incomes and expenditures, in middle-term and long-term constitution of enterprise financial prognoses, in evaluating the investment variants effectiveness and as one of methods of defining the enterprise market value. 

Selection and/ peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Research and Education Center. 

Keywords: Financing, optimization, industrial enterprise; 


Within the development activities business entities constantly consider how to finance their needs. Their priority is always to maximise volume of their outputs, and thus ensure their position in relation to competition. Maintaining their positions in the market is connected with permanent innovations in all spheres, whether it is production, services or human resources area. 

上传会员 小兔乖乖 对本文的描述:每天你都可以读到什么是经济危机,很多单位不得不限制生产,并由于危机而造成裁员。然而,企业的每一部分,包括财务部门,都必须应对危机。经济危机严重打击了许多人,成千上......
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