
资料分类:金融翻译 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-17
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Developing Real Estate Markets in Sub-Sahara Africa: The Fundamentals

By Wilfred K. Anim-Odame

Recent years have seen a rise in the  flow of real estate capital from advanced countries into Sub Sahara Africa. Globalization of real estate markets notwithstanding, the trend is char- acterized by a mismatched lack of growth in real estate markets analysis and research in the sub-region from both academic and industry sources. Developments of standard market indicators such as rental growth, cap- ital growth, price and rental indices, yields, total returns, and market stock that are avail- able in mature markets remain available only in very limited markets in the sub-region. Much of the information on Sub-Sahara African real estate markets is from the view- point ofinvestors from advanced economies. It focuses on questions such as the ability of new markets to meet the standards ofpro- fessionalism and transparency required by inward investors.

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:国家在撒哈拉以南地区缺乏活跃的房地产投资市场。在很大程度上,主要来源的市场的证据,形成房地产3月初的研究在发达经济体和越来越多的过渡和新兴经济体在大多数经济体几乎不存......
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