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译文(字数 2973)



英格兰银行,国际货币基金组织 最终版本2007年7月10号



外文原文(字符数 10133)

Who Withdraws Housing Equity and Why?


Bank of England; International Monetary Fund

Final version received 10 July 2007.

    In many countries, housing dominates the typical household's financial assets and liabilities.That is true in the United States and the United Kingdom, where home equity is also more evenly dispersed across households than many other assets.This suggests that the decision to withdraw or retain equity in the home is an important decision for homeowners.Moreover, aggregate data indicate that the sums of home equity that are withdrawn can be large and volatile, with potentially important implications for the aggregate economy.But to date, little is known about what drives these decisions.In this paper, the decision to withdraw equity from the home is studied using household-level data for the United Kingdom.In the period examined, 1993–2003, the UK housing market went from a depressed state to one of its most remarkable booms.That varied experience was also reflected in the use of housing equity withdrawal, making it an ideal period to examine.

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:在所有的家庭,包括那些在样本中没有撤回产权的,估计的边际效应是略低。估计有着统计学显着性,该组被认为是更容易受到信贷约束的。总的来说,这一点估计对耐用消费品边际消......
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