
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-12
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Abstract: In order to study the effect of aquatic plants in purifying polluted water ,I take Ceratophyllum demersum, Zu, algae, H.3submerged plant as research object, and studied the effects of submerged plant on the pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus removal rate in the laboratory . The study shows that, aquatic plants was good in purifying polluted water  ,which can be used as water purification plant. Zu algae is best in removing  nitrogen and phosphorus, and hornwort Myriophyllum spicatum does well in this field as well . After 7 weeks’ test, I found the hornwort removal rate of Myriophyllum Zu, and algae were respectively 76%,81.33% and84%; the nitrogen removal rates were 73.68%,68.42% and69.74%; and the ammonia removal rate were 82.89%,81.54% and67.11%. Aquatic plants does better in removing phosphorous than nitrogen  ,which can be selected to put these kinds in constructed wetland plants . This study provides a scientific basis for artificial wetland plant selection and polluted water reduction .

Key words: submerged plants; total phosphorus; total nitrogen; ammonia nitrogen; removal rate

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:本文在前人研究的基础上,结合常见沉水植物,比较一些不常用的沉水植物,研究其对污染水体的净化效果,旨在深入探究更适合用于污水修复的沉水植物,进一步拓宽沉水植物在人工......
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