
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-15
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Abstract: For research on structure and functions of lepidoptera moth, a research has been conducted during June to November 2011 by adopted light trap method in 3 sampling points in poplars of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University. The moth diversity in 3 sampling points is analyzing according to diversity index, uniformity, dominance, similarity etc [1] .Results: The moth numbers in poplars is 1203 which belongs to 13 families 59 genera and 62 species: 382 moth in summer which belongs to 13 families 51 genera and 54 species and 821 moth in autumn which belongs to 12 families 551 genera and 58 species.Diversity index in summer is 1.49103, uniformity index is 0.02711, dominance index is 0.25807 and species richness index is 13.0841; In autumn, the diversity index is 2.7026, uniformity index is 2.7026, dominance index is 0.27420 and species richness index is 13.8110. The result is the indexes in autumn is higher than that in summer; diversity, diversity index and evenness index, richness index trend is consistent, and the dominance index is the opposite.

Key words: Nanjing;poplar;grove;Summer;Autumn;moth;diversity

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:本次研究夏秋季蛾类多样性,目的是分析南京杨树林植被类型的群落结构,查清不同季节植物种类以及鳞翅目蛾类群落的物种种类、种群密度、分布、发生规律等,运用多样性指数、均匀......
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