
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-15
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关键词:Na+; 萝卜幼苗; 生理特性


Abstract:In this article it used indoor soil culture experiment to study he different salt concentrations of  radish seedlings grows (Fresh weight, Dry weight),physiological and biochemical (Chlorophyll content, Root activity Proline)and antioxidant enzyme activity in the system(MDA,SOD,POD) and the change rule of Proline content. The results show that dry and fresh weight with the salt concentration increases to drop, However, dry weight was reducing slower salt concentration of 200mg/L was 58% and 80% of the control group. When salt concentration of 200mg/L is 24% in control group. In the ways of low salt Concentra, the root and enzyme activity all are higher than the control group, and salt concentration in 20mg/L reached a peak. Radish seedlings showed low concentrations of Na+ have a strong resistance to the role of, When the Proline content with the salt concentration increases, salt concentration of 200mg/L was 186% of the control group. When the MDA content with the salt concentration increases and increases, and salt concentration 120mg/L MDA content increased when more obvious.

Key words:Na+; radish seedlings; adverse circumstance physical

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:本实验以萝卜为材料,通过室内土培的方法研究不同盐浓度对萝卜幼苗生长和生理指标的影响,为盐胁迫对萝卜伤害、选育抗性品种及农业生产中早期诊断萝卜盐胁迫提供一些理论依据......
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