
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:coffee45 更新时间:2014-11-03
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Abstract:Taking the Flammulina velutipes enriched in germanium as materials, the effects of Flammulina velutipes enriched in germanium on mice blood lactic acid, urea nitrogen content and the ability of exercise. 40 mice were randomly divided into 5 groups: blank group, the blank control group, low dose group, middle dose group, high dose group, respectively, on the quiet, following exercise and rest after the blood, by measuring the movement of mice blood lactate and blood urea nitrogen levels, effects of ge-rich golden mushroom on in the process of exercise fatigue resistance.

   The experimental results show that: each dose group of Flammulina velutipes enriched in germanium may reduce the occurrence of swimming mice blood lactic acid and urea nitrogen in mice, prolonged exhaustive exercise time; the better Flammulina velutipes enriched in germanium mycelium powder effect of higher dose. The resulting can draw the Flammulina velutipes enriched in germanium can reduce the blood lactic acid and urea nitrogen in mice, prolonged exhaustive exercise time, enhancing the fatigue resistance ability.

Key words: Flammulina velutipes enriched in germanium   antifatigue   blood lactate    blood urea nitrogen   mouse

上传会员 coffee45 对本文的描述:金针菇每100g干品中氨基酸总量为17.28g,其中各种氨基酸百分含量为:天冬氨酸1.80,苏氨酸0.87,丝氨酸0.99,脯氨酸0.76,谷氨酸2.39,甘氨酸0.88,丙氨酸1.43,颉氨酸1.25,蛋氨酸0.24,异亮......
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