
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:我爱小小 更新时间:2013-05-30
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   The study researched the screening of Pleurotus enyngii culture medium with grass as main materials by comparing transitional medium which composition was corn cob and wheat bran, explored the value of grass in the culture. The researched not only studies time of culture, growth of hyphae, growth and morphology of fruit-body, output of fruiting, but also analyzed and compared with control. The result showed that culture time of mushroom which grew in formula 5 of medium was shorter than that in other formula, other indicators such as growth of hyphae, growth and morphology of fruit-body were better than that of other formula. The optimum formula of medium was 55% of grass, 25% mushroom cultivation waste and 17% of wheat bran. 


   Key words: forage; Pleurotus enyngii; feasible formula; culture


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