
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:当当网小刘 更新时间:2013-06-16
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   The cutting breeding techniques experiment of Camellia pitardii Cohen-Stuart was performed to expand reproduction and keep its good traits. In this test, the growth traits of Camellia pitardii Cohen-Stuart were studied under different rooting agent, length and notches. The result showed that rooting agent can progress the growth of root and stalk, and IAA did the best. Compared with the control group, the survival rate increased 13.4%. the average of diameter, height, the number of leaf and root have reached 0.09610㎝、8.4㎝、5.4 leaves and 3.5㎝respectively, and the longest root have reached 5.0㎝. The growth traits of inclined cutout were better than crosscut incision,and inclined cutout was 0.0094cm thicker than crosscut incision on average diameter, 1.05㎝ higher on average height, leaf number, root number and the longest root were also higher than the crosscut incision .But rooting agent did litte particularly significant appearance on improving growth traits. The conclusion told us that we can choose the inclined cutout spike bar whose ear length is about 3 to 3.5 cm and were soaked in IAA before the cultivation.

Key word: Camellia pitardii Cohen-Stuart; cuttage; cottage screening


上传会员 当当网小刘 对本文的描述:为了在扩大繁殖窄叶西南红山茶的同时保证木本的优良性状,进行窄叶西南红山茶的扦插育苗技术研究。本试验从三种不同生根剂、三个不同下端节长度处理、两种不同剪口方法对窄叶......
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