
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:当当网小刘 更新时间:2013-06-16
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  Through measuring different fertilizer processing conditions, different period physic tobacco of organic matter, active soil organic matter content, and soil pH value, this paper discusses the changes of plant different fertilizer treatment of soil organic matter, active smoke effects of organic matter and pH. Main has 5 treatment: no fertilizer (ck), chemical fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, josh was 30% pig 70% was 50% fertilizer and manure 50% manure + 50% fertilizers. 70% again through quantitative analysis to find the best match with fertilizer was the pig. Results show that: the 70% fertilizer processing organic content pig 30% supreme; the activity of chemical fertilizer processing organic matter content of the highest; Pig30% fertilizer processing; 70 percent more suitable for tobacco pH.

Key words: pig manure; chemical fertilizer; organic matter; active organic matter; pH.


上传会员 当当网小刘 对本文的描述:通过测定不同施肥处理条件下,不同时期的植烟土壤中有机质、活性有机质的含量,及土壤的pH值的变化,探讨不同施肥处理对植烟土壤中有机质、活性有机质和pH值的影响。......
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