
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-02
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Abstract:For close to the "golden triangle", Yunnan, the frontier area has long been the dangers of drugs. From the 1990 s, the greater Mekong sub-regional related countries sign a series of implementation of the plan and overseas alternative growing agreement, to reduce the dangers of drugs. In recent years, a new drug control mode of the overseas alternative-planting, have promoted in Yunnan province and northern Myanmar region and northern Laos areas. Yunnan province has tightly around the various policies, which further strengthen outside to replace the growing enterprise management. In the mean time, make full use of the current favorable situation, to increase the northern Myanmar region and Laos's opening up the northern region. In dealing with good on the basis of mutual benefit, break line, facing market and active counter-trade, speed up the construction of the port. Through many years of practice and exploration, although achieved remarkable results, but there are still a lot of problems, such as lack of funds, the policy is not stable, infrastructure backwardness, cooperation and exchange the difficulty of objective factors. This paper analyzes the main problems existing, and then puts forward some countermeasures, and hopes to replace the development of Yunnan overseas planting a little contribution.

Keywords:Overseas alternative-planting;anti-drug ;problem ; Countermeasure


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:紧紧围绕着各种方针、政策,进一步加强对境外替代种植企业的管理,同时充分利用当前有利的国内外环境,加大对缅甸北部地区和老挝北部地区的开放力度,在处理好相互利益的基础......
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