
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-04
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Abstract:Thauera genus has been known as one of the functionally important groups in the quinoline-degrading reactor. It occupies a high proportion of the microbial community, and is mostly shown high versatile organic substrate degrading capacity. However, it is very difficult to isolate and culture. In this experiment, different types of media and culture conditions have been designed to isolate microorganisms from the anaerobic denitrifying quinoline-degrading bioreactor in which carbon source is quinoline only for three times in the lab of molecular ecology and ecological genomics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Thauera-specific PCR was used to identify Thauera from the isolated samples. Nested-PCR was combined to raise the level of sensitivity. The samples with positive signals were tested with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method to confirm whether they were pure colonies or not. ERIC-PCR was used to analyze the samples from the reactor and the profiles were compared with that of the reactor’s total DNA. Although no isolate of Thauera genus, which is one of the dominant genera in the reactor, was successfully isolated, this work provides experience for further isolation. In this study, ERIC-PCR was also used to compare the structures of the microbial community using different reactor samples collected at different times and more information of the structure of the microbial community in the bioreactor was gained. 

Key words: Thauera, quinolone degradation, isolation and culture, DGGE, ERIC


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:本研究未能将反应器中具有优势地位的Thauera细菌分离培养成功,但本研究为进一步的Thauera细菌分离提供了借鉴。本论文还采用ERIC-PCR方法对喹啉降解反应器运行的不同时期样品进行了微......
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