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  • [英语论文] 中美消费观方面解读美剧文化-美剧《生活大爆炸》为个案_英语论文.doc

    In recent years, with the acceleration of the integration process of the world, the U.S. drama has come to China rapidly. With its powerful cultural penetration, U.S drama became popular in China quickly. Along with these popular and widespr...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:8478 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 中国和英国饮酒文化的差异_英语论文.doc

    Basically speaking, drinking culture in UK refers to viniculture, because the mild climate, the soil conditions there are agreeable to the growing of grapes. While the drinking culture in China generally refers to what Chinese people call Ba...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5308 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 研究美国政府枪支管制及枪支暴力对美国社会产生的影响_英语论文.doc

    As we all know that America is a country where citizens have rights to possess weapons, which has become an indispensable part of life, because it is a symbol of freedom and identity, and Americans are also proud of having guns. However, gun...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5467 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 通过中美90年代电影探讨两国价值观趋向的差异_英语论文.doc

    The paper centers on four movies including Hollywood blockbusters and Chinese household director Feng Xiaogang’s works. After a careful contrastive analysis, the paper synthesizes the main differences between two countries’ cultural valu...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:6803 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 通过经典故事分析犹太教对近现代英语文学的影响_英语论文.doc

    The Judaism is a national religion, so there are not so many believers like the main religions in the Europe and America. When we talk about the main religions in the Europe and America, it always appears in the character of quietness and no...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5157 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 探究《嘉莉妹妹》小说自然主义道德观_英语论文.doc

    In Sister Carrie, Carrie was a girl who was driven by desire and unable to escape from it. But just a desire cannot explain all the motivation and the driving force behind her strong desire. Only with the combination of desire and her living...

    资料包含:完整论文,开题报告 所需金币500 资料字数:6148 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 试述意大利文艺复兴的必然性_英语论文.doc

    Renaissance movement started in Italy, and after the transmission from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic coast, a bunch of famous cities such as Rome, Florence, Venice and the Netherlands, and a series of new urban and capitalist industry an...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5530 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 莎士比亚写作修辞方法在《哈姆雷特》中的运用_英语论文.doc

    Shakespeare’s drama have strong vitality, appeal and it contributes to his artistic language to some extent. He did not leave a theory of rhetoric but from the lines of his works and his practical application of rhetoric we are still able ...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5321 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 任务型教学法在高中英语阅读中的应用_英语论文.doc

    Task-based language teaching has become a respectable new pedagogy, and shows the concept of “students-centered, task-centric”. This teaching method can promote students to study spontaneously, and can improve students’ practical compe...

    资料包含:完整论文,开题报告,任务书 所需金币500 资料字数:6160 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 情感因素在二语习得的影响_英语论文.doc

    With the development of applied linguistics and psychological linguistics, linguists are no longer satisfied with surface-level linguistic researches, but turn to study deeper psychological factors, that is, affective factors in English lear...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:4938 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 浅析西方吸血鬼文化-《暮光之城》_英语论文.doc

    Vampire legends have a long history in the West,spread widely, and have a great impact on western culture. When referring to its legends, it has gone through the following three stages: the first stage is about 14th century, vampire legend...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5746 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 浅析个人主义对美国学生的影响_英语论文.doc

    American individualism has been changing as time goes on. However, independence and self-consciousness, the core of individualism never changed. It is worthwhile for China, a socialist country, to think about what can be learned from America’...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:4054 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 浅析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》艾米丽的悲惨人生_英语论文.doc

    In A Rose for Emily the poor women for whom Faulkner gave his sympathy was named Emily. After reading the story, its reader may raise a question: what caused Emily’s tragedy? This thesis aimed at analyzing it with social milieu and persona...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5586 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 论中西方家庭价值观的差异在《喜福会》的体现_英语论文.doc

    Family value is one of the most important values in the eyes of Chinese, including the attitude toward marriage and family, bringing up children, providing support for the parents, the relationship between family members and the like. Genera...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:6228 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 跨文化交际之间英汉习语不同内涵研究_英语论文.doc

    This paper, making a research on the differences between Chinese and English idioms, tries to remove the barrier and helps people to have a successful intercultural communication. There are many reasons that contribute to the forming of the ...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:6564 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 跨文化交际在电子商务中应用实例分析_英语论文.doc

    With the rapid development of Internet, the value of the electronic commerce has been gradually accepted by Chinese entrepreneurs. The development of electronic commerce has experienced several times on March 6th 1998, which is the first tim...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5296 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 解读《了不起的盖茨比》分析美国梦破灭的深层原因_英语论文.doc

    American people adore the dream deeply, however with the time goes by, the dream underwent changes especially in the period of 1920s after the World War I. American Dream disillusioned eventually. The main purpose of paper is to analyze the ...

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  • [英语论文] 家庭至上观在美剧中的表现_英语论文.doc

    The United Nations has declared 1994 the "International Year of the Family." It reflects people's recognition of the importance of a strong family, which is true in American society...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:4650 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 分析英国侦探小说对现代英国社会发展_英语论文.doc

    Basically, most scholars regard the rising of the capitalism as the beginning of the modern history of Britain. Thus this thesis will focus on the Britain history from the16th century to the 20th century. During over 400 years, there were tw...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:4933 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 分析了斯嘉丽的双重性格_英语论文.doc

    The charming characteristics of Scarlett have conquered us, who is strong, rebellious, vain, greedy, cruel and selfish. Scarlett gives us an attitude towards love. She is beautiful, but she never used her beauty to play with love. She just p...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:4704 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 分析的美国牛仔文化及其深远的影响_英语论文.doc

    Although they were only existed for a short time in human history and they left so much things on American’s daily life, and all of these things had a deep and far reaching influence on human’s civilized culture. Western cowboy revealed ...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5245 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 分析导致跨文化沟通社会语用失误的原因_英语论文.doc

    Another widely quoted definition is that “Culture is the total accumulation of belief, custom, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of ...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:6033 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 分析《亚瑟王和圆桌骑士》中亚瑟王和骑士们_英语论文.doc

    The English romantic work King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table reflects the ideal of chivalry with great artistic expression. Through the introduction of the story and analysis of major characters of this work, this thesis expounds...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:6814 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 分析《蒂凡尼的早餐》中郝莉的人物特点_英语论文.doc

    Capote rose above a childhood troubled by divorce, a long absence from his mother, and multiple migrations. He had discovered his calling as a writer at the age of 11, and for the rest of his childhood he honed his writing ability. Capote be...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5394 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 电影片名的翻译方法研究_英语论文.doc

    As a branch of non-literature translation, the translation of film titles has its own importance in terms of the theory and practice, and the movie as a cultural production is a kind of direct and effective means to convey the foreign cultur...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:6182 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 大学生基督教信仰问题的调查报告_英语论文.doc

    Since the reform and opening-up policy, Christianity developed rapidly in China and even affect all social strata. In 2007, the magazine Oriental Outlook published a survey results: about 31.4% Chinese people, above 16 years old, had religi...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:8218 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [英语论文] 从跨文化的角度出发来研究广告翻译_英语论文.doc

    Advertisement translation is not a simple translation task, but a carrier of cultural transmission. However, some translators pay more attention to word-to-word translation while ignore the significance of cultural aspects...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:6259 上传日期:2014-08-30
  • [日语论文] 中日颜色象征意义的对比研究--以红白黑为中心_日语论文.doc


    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币2000 资料字数:14260 上传日期:2014-08-29
  • [日语论文] 中日网络流行语批判方法的对照研究_日语论文.doc


    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币2000 资料字数:13024 上传日期:2014-08-29
  • [日语论文] 中日量词的对照研究_日语论文.doc


    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币2000 资料字数:10404 上传日期:2014-08-29