
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-24
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【Abstract】:Poetry is a kind of literary language and it is the most artistic one. Artistic beauty is one of the most important characters of poetry. The artistic beauty in He Jingzhi’s poetry mainly embodys four aspects: beauty of expressing one’s emotion, beauty of masculine,beauty of form and beauty of music,which are in well combination with the contents and ideology of the poetry.In this paper, I'm trying to discuss the pursuance of artistic beauty in his procedure of poetry creation . From He Jingzhi’s rich experience of artistic creation,the lesson we can learn was that excellent poetry must be substantial in content,sincere in emotion,natural in rhyme and harmonious in rhythm.

【Key words】:He Jingzhi poetry; beauty of expressing one’s emotion; beauty of masculine; beauty of form; beauty of music


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:本文试图在贺敬之诗歌对艺术美的追求方面作些探索。从贺敬之丰富的艺术创作实践中,我们得到的启示是:只有内容充实、感情真挚、声韵自然、节奏谐美的诗篇,才是真正的好诗。......
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