
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:我不是叫兽 更新时间:2014-03-15
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[摘要] 废名是我国现代文学史上一位独具风格的田园派小说家,其作品广泛,风格独特。在风景描写与人物刻画上,常常展现出一个清新自然、幽默诙谐的田园世界。在这个世界里,每个人物都体现出各自的真善美,同时人们在相互之间以及人与自然相处之间都体现出了一种悠然自得的和谐,可以说,废名小说的意境之美若古琴轻挑,音韵渺渺,绵绵不绝,让人迷恋和沉醉,对我国现代文学早期诗化小说的发展作出了不可忽视的贡献。

[关键词]  废名  恬淡和谐  田园


[Abstract]  Abstract: Fei Ming has managed to be acknowledged as unique with his novels as well as his works widely,and he is also one of modern literature in the history of rural school in style novelist. In the aspect of description and characterization ,his novels are usually replete with idyllic dreams suggesting pure and fresh, humorous pastora. In this world, each characters all reflect their goodness. Meanwhile, the relationship in hunman nature and the correlation between   people and nature are reflected along a leisurely harmony. It can say that Fei Ming  whose Beauty of light if pick, phonological transitory man, endless, as well as people obsessed and intoxicated, on the early poetry of modern literary fiction has made a significant contribution. 

Key words: Feiming   Tranquil and Harmony   idyllic

上传会员 我不是叫兽 对本文的描述:废名小说非常侧重对于自然美的描写。如陶家村中树多林密,行人“走路是在树林里走了一圈,有时听得斧头研树响, 一直听到不再响了还是一无所见”。这就把一个幽深清野的环境写......
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