
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-04
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关键词 苏州‌园林;对联;特征;价值


Abstract:Suzhou landscape couplet is not only rich in content and diverse, but also good at literature and art and the art of gardening organic combination, in order to highlight the expressiveness of the entire garden. Suzhou garden landscape couplet, clever use of the pun, reduplication, hidden words and other techniques, while subtle, but also with culture and entertainment, is a rare form of art and cultural resources.However, because of these couplets deficiencies, with the changes of history, not very good state of conservation of these couplets, many couplets has been lost or permanently damaged, as well as some of the couplets are being destroyed. Couplet development is in the rehabilitation phase, couplet Suzhou landscape research is very necessary to understand the status quo based on the understanding of its external characteristics and intrinsic value, and effectively protect . It is conducive to the development of the couplet, and also the respect of traditional culture.

Key words  Suzhou gardens  couplet  characteristics  value

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:古典园林是中华文化的集中体现,是陶冶情操的摇篮。苏州园林,集宋朝至清朝四个朝代的私家园林于一地,是中国古代私家园林的典型代表。同时,苏州园林也是写意山水文化的代表......
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