
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-04
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Abstract:Through play popular, public comments on this quite a lot, which also had a certain impact on our lives. On this, author do has a copies about through drama of questionnaire investigation, 's investigation involved to Xuzhou the large college students, used has online questionnaire investigation of mode, according to investigation results, we came, through drama while in must degree Shang effect has we on history culture knowledge of understanding, even caused we of Outlook on life, and values in must degree Shang of change, but this does not to effect we of life, most students just put TV, especially through drama as a recreation object. We as representatives of the most wise, through drama should be approached rationally, must not have a crush on through drama.

Keywords  through play  contemporary college students  prevalence  influence

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:本次调查以徐州各大高校的在校大学生为对象,调查和分析流行穿越剧对徐州各大高校大学生影响,同时根据当代大学生对穿越剧的看法及建议,总结出穿越剧对大学生价值观等方面的......
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