
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-04
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关键词 《红日》;艺术旅行;意识形态;审美形态;演变


Abstract:"Red sun" is China's famous writer Mr Wu Jiang according to a 1947 Meng Lianggu campaign creation and become real historical events, reflects the ferocity of the enemy, the brave of the PLA, praised the great of the party and the people. Through time and space are derived from the "red sun" constantly movies, TV series and other literary works, thanks to the ongoing work become part of a "red sun" of ideology and aesthetic ideology also constantly happening in travel through time and space evolution.Based on the novels, films, TV series "red sun" and the novel derived on the basis of other literary works as the research object, by the method of literature, comparative analysis method, difference comparison method, interdisciplinary research as the research methods, explore the "red sun" as the years went by its artistic form is how to travel; Analysis in the novels, films, TV shows how ideology and aesthetic ideology in the evolution through time and space; Discuss the meaning of "red sun" form and the evolution of the aesthetic form and the relationship of space and time.

Keywords  Red sun  Ideology form  Aesthetic form  change

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:《红日》在主流意识形态下塑造了一系列有胆有识、英勇不屈的英雄形象,昂扬着革命精神,弥漫着胜利气息。在非文艺因素的影响下,贯彻着“文学服务政治”的观念,《红日》作品......
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