
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-10
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关键词: 上官仪,上官体,绮错婉媚,对偶


ABSTRACT:Shang guan Yi is the poets in the early Tang Dynasty, his poetry is not much, but impact. Especially in his creation formed under the influence of a verse, Shangguan style popular at that time. Its main feature is the "wrong Patricia Yee", the pursuit of poetic words and music beauty, tendency to form techniques. However, when the upper class like the palace poetry, so is good, it has the creation. This article from the times background, the relationship between the poet and the former, in her representative works are analyzed, using formal techniques, dual technique in poems to study the poetic features.

Key words:Shangguan, Wrong patricia yee, Poetic features, Duality

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:“上官体”诗风继承了虞世南和李百药的宫廷诗新变的风格,以此观察事物之间的细微区别特征和描写事物的精巧之处,用清新淡雅的语言,创造出独特优美的诗歌意境,这种写法恰好突......
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