
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-10
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关键词:  昌耀,诗歌,西北,地理景观


ABSTRACT:The northwest geographical landscape is the key of what Chang Yao’s poetries expresses , it is also the main research contents of Chang Yao’s poetries. But for a long time, the study of the northwest geographical landscape which is from Chang Yao’s poetries is relatively narrow, in this article, through the analysis of the northwest geographical landscape from Chang Yao’s poetries, to explained the importance in Chang Yao’s poetries, in order to make clear the literary significance of northwest geographical landscape.

Key Words:Chang Yao,Poetry,Northwest,Geographical landscape

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:昌耀诗歌中的西北地理景观在后期渐渐被诗人惶恐的心绪取代,九十年代之后的昌耀陷入了许多诗人都陷入过的不可自拔的孤寂,他的诗歌也出现了许多诗人都有的意识流的表达。且这......
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