
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-10
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关键词:   超常搭配,流行语,语法,语义,表达效果


ABSTRACT:With the rapid developing of network today, the Chinese are also uninterrupted growth. Fixed words although still keeps its unshakable position in Chinese vocabulary, at the same time, the rapid development of new words has become a phenomenon that people have to pay attention. The development of new works and network are inseparable, especially in the rise of popular words. Which attract more attention of popular words is the extraordinary combination of words extensive use. In this paper, the popular words as the main object of study. Use of analysis induction and so on to make a analysis of popular words’ grammatical and semantic collocation and other aspects. So then explain the reason about the extraordinary collocation in Chinese popular words is so popular and widely use, as well as the development direction and trend of future. 

Key words:Extraordinary collocation; Popular Words; Grammar; Semantic; Effect of expression

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:目前针对现代汉语词语超常搭配研究进行的研究不少,如针对述补超常搭配进行研究的冯广艺先生在1993年发表的《变异性含“得”述补结构及其语值考察》,文章对含“得”的述补超常......
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