
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-10
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关键词: 日常生活审美化 ,美学 ,大众传媒


ABSTRACT:In this paper,both aesthetic and daily life, discuss the aesthetic of daily life related issues. on the one hand, focusing on clarifying the history of aesthetics in daily life stages and their actual performance, on the other hand,focuing on the analysis of the relationship between daily life and aesthetic aesthetics of everyday life,while using layer recursive analysis method showing the mass media development of a dual effect on the aesthetic activity.  

Key Words:Aesthetics of everyday life,Aesthetics,Mass media

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:他对日常生活审美化的看法大致可以概括为两个方面的内容:一是厘清了审美与生活的分界,批评了单纯追求审美活动的价值化,二是强调了文学艺术的超越性与审美活动的现实化。由......
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