
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-11
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关键字    妙玉,惜春,悲剧,命运


ABSTRACT:Nun as another group of women, is a vulnerable to public view ignore groups, "a dream of Red Mansions" Miaoyu and Xichun as representatives of the group, they have distinct comparability in origin, character, a monk in many aspects. In this paper, through a comparative analysis of two people, two people to further reveal the tragic fate. By reading the text carefully, analysis of the two representative figures, trying to find two people behind the aesthetic value and significance.

Key words:Miaoyu, Xichun, Tragedy, Fate

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:目前对惜春和妙玉的研究,概括来说主要从二人的性情,出家,命运等几个主要方面去比较研究,如,从惜春的性情方面分析的有:第一,有奇僻怪性之人的观点,这一观点主要从惜春......
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