
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-11
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关键词    王蒙,新疆,地理景观


ABSTRACT:Based on having a mainland han Wang Meng, and 16 years of life experience double identity of Sinkiang, combined with Beijing to Sinkiang this is a kind of escape and transformation of the scene, make him in describing the geographical landscape of Sinkiang, can stand on its own unique perspective, which is different from the mainland writers and local writers, develop their own "from Sinkiang, again return to Sinkiang" narrative mode. In the novel, both to the natural landscape and human landscape, are not consciously into when they conceive of the author, intake, thus forming a unique geographical landscape in Sinkiang.

Key words:Wang Meng,Sinkiang,Geographical landscape

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:本人一直比较喜欢王蒙先生的作品,尤其是看完他的《在伊犁》系列新疆题材小说后,深深的被新疆少数民族的淳朴民俗、人情世故所吸引,特别是维族农民聚居的伊犁巴彦岱公社给我......
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