
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-22
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摘要:随着明代社会危机的加深, 由于受个性解放思潮和庄禅之风等众多社会因素的影响,小品文创作聚焦于人们的现实生活,在风格上追求轻灵隽永,大量的小品反映出当时文人们的高洁志趣和优雅情调。真实反映了晚明时期文人的创作更趋向于现实、本真。晚明文人崇尚自然灵性,创作上注重独抒性灵,取材于丰富多彩的市井生活,用细腻的笔触描绘绚丽的生活图景,通过对平实生活的描写来寄托精神上的需求,在乱世中实现自我拯救。晚明小品文作为文学产物实现了从文以载道向自适自乐的极大转变,这种对雅趣和雅性的追求使得晚明小品文成为雅俗共融的有力载体。 

关键词:晚明小品文  融俗于雅 文学审美


ABSTRACT:As the crisis deepens in the Ming dynasty society, due to the personality liberation thoughts -- the Zen of many social factors, such as essays focus on people's real life, the pursuit of light spirit on the style meaningful, a lot of essays reflect the noble and pure interest of people at that time and elegant emotional appeal. Reflect the period of late Ming literati writing tend to reality, authenticity. Late Ming literati advocate natural spirituality, creation on notice to express the spirit alone, drawn from rich and colorful community life, portrays the life of the beautiful picture, with exquisite brush through to the plain life description to the spiritual demand, realize self save profession in the world. Late Ming dynasty familiar essays as a product literature achieved from the article to carry to adaptive enjoyment of great transition, the pursuit of refined taste and YaXing makes the late Ming dynasty familiar essays as composed by powerful carrier of communion.

Key words: Late Ming dynasty familiar essays; Common in jas; Literary aesthetic




上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:小品文发展到晚明时期而呈现繁荣态势。在当时文学上算得上一股清幽和煦之风。由于受个性解放思潮和庄禅之风等众多社会因素的影响,晚明小品文作为文学产物实现了从文以载道的传......
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