
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-22
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:13278
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关键词:武侠  网络武侠 文本特色 网络文学产业化


ABSTRACT:Firstly, in the preface introduces the characteristics of traditional literature and martial arts martial arts culture: the chivalrous spirit, rich cultural connotation, full of traditional culture inheritance. The first part of the article on the causes of the network martial arts novel are studied, including: the popularity of network, network literature, network writer group of high-quality paving the emergence and network martial arts commercial attempt success.

   The second part analyzes the characteristics of the network martial arts novel, from the novel writer group, amateur writer to join hand brings vitality to the works, on the other hand the work quality of high and low; from the novel carrier, literary website to become the main carrier of network martial arts; from the text characteristic, network martial arts to "people" as the center of the structure of the novel, language.

   The third part analyzes the advantage of network martial arts, its advantages are: to meet the requirements of the times; the author and reader interaction; large reader groups; the market operation success.

   The drawbacks of network martial arts is mainly lack of excessive commercial operation and the humanities spirit. The advantages and disadvantages of network martial arts right helps to find out the status of its development, has a positive meaning to the development of martial arts and literature.

Keywords : Martial arts;Network martial arts;The text characteristic; Network literature industry





上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:论文首先在序言部分引出了传统武侠文学和武侠文化的特点:饱满的侠义精神、丰富的文化内涵、对传统文化的优秀继承等。文章第一部分对网络武侠小说产生的原因进行了探究,其中......
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