
资料分类:外国语学院 上传会员:论文不求人 更新时间:2020-09-04
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第三节是行动为导向的自我对话。既然你已经清楚认识到海德在心理层面是如何工作的,那么你就有必要清楚地了解到行动为导向的自我对话。它是一种强有力的方 法,因为它可以有效对抗海德。




Self-discipline in 10 Days mainly focuses on teaching people to form a good habit of self-discipline. It can be divided into four processes of How to Go from Thinking to Doing. In the first process, Preliminary Information, this section is filled with information that will put your whole self to work for you. It is designed to provide you with the necessary psychological preparation to make this system work because of some other psychological failures. Next comes the ten-day program for the development of awareness and attitude. Then, in the Putting It All Together section, you will go into action.

The paper chooses Part One Preliminary Information to translate. The first chapter is Getting Started. Before people take another step, they must meet their greatest obstacle to self-discipline---Hyde.

The second chapter deals with Hyde’s five favourite techniques for poisoning your efforts and their antidotes. The five poisons are Cynicism, Negativism, Defeatism, Escapism and Delayism.

The third chapter is Action-oriented Self-talk. Now that you have an understanding of how the Hyde side psychological makeup works, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the powerful simplicity of action-oriented self-talk. It is a powerful tool that can be used successfully to deal with Hyde’s tactics.

The fourth chapter is understanding self-discipline. Since all the preparation work have been done, then the issue self-discipline is time to talk about actually. The definition of self-discipline is discussed by the author in details.

上传会员 论文不求人 对本文的描述:The exercises, tips, and techniques contained in this book came from many different and diverse sources. This book contains the quickest and easiest methods currently available for improving self-discipline. Did you notice that I did not say......
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