
资料分类:外国语学院 上传会员:论文不求人 更新时间:2020-09-04
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The book A Little Book of Language is written by David Crystal who is a famous linguist and scholar born in Northern Ireland. It is deserved to be mentioned that his best well-known masterpiece is The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language and Cambridge Encyclopedia for the English Language that pressed by CUP.

It is a book about linguistics and is very easy to understand. It is beneficial for language lovers to learn and understand language. The book consists of 40 chapters and the author analyses from three parts. That is: the process of child language learning, intralingual, interlingual, diachronic and synchronic language phenomenon and language use and research.

The first part of my essay is the translation of chapter 36 to 39 in this book. It belongs to language use and research, the third part of this book. It mainly introduces developing a style, the complexity of language, linguistics and applied linguistics.

The second part of my essay are the problems I meet with in the process of translation and the solutions to them. Finally it gives a summary to the translation. 

上传会员 论文不求人 对本文的描述:I should have begun this chapter by saying: all the authors have developed styles of their own. Style isn’t like our fingerprints. We have different styles, which we develop to suit the different circumstances in which we find ourselves. A......
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