
资料分类:外国语学院 上传会员:论文不求人 更新时间:2020-09-04
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 Your Best Brain Ever is a brain health science-popular book written by Michael S. Sweeney who received his Ph.D. in Journalism from E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University and his Master's in Journalism at the University of North Texas. The Brain Boosters part of the book and many exquisite illustrations and funny games are finished by Cynthia R. Green, Ph.D. who is a leading expert in the field of brain health. This book was published by the National Geographic Society and was named a "2013 Top Guide to Life after 50" by the Wall Street Journal.

  The essay mainly introduces the free translation, including its definition, features and applications. By comparing with literal translation, we can understand when and how to use free translation during translation. And especially for English major students, we should attach more importance to the phenomenon of free translations.     

上传会员 论文不求人 对本文的描述:Controllers must think and act quickly to keep a safe distance between planes that fly up to eight miles a minute. They must base decisions on complicated mental and physical maps in three dimensions, all the while keeping track of instrumen......
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