
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:巧克力奶茶 更新时间:2020-08-31
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中文摘要:课堂导入是高中英语课堂教学过程中的一个重要环节,是影响整体课堂教学效果的关键。而当前高中英语课堂导入教学普遍效果不佳,这影响了学生的语言学习效果。研究表明,学习动机是直接推动学生学习的内部动因, 是激励和指引学生进行学习的一种需要。一般而言,学习动机越强的人,越容易对学习产生兴趣,越能积极主动地参与到学习活动过程中去,从而提高学习效果。根据学习动机理论,课堂导入教学应强调激发学生的学习动机。本文通过对高中英语导入教学现状进行问卷调查,发现高中英语导入教学中普遍存在模式固定,缺乏活力、耗时过长,拖沓冗长、导入内容与学生生活脱节、导入内容过难或过于简单等问题,并根据调查结果探讨分析了造成这些问题的原因。在此基础上,根据学习动机理论,提出了改善高中英语课堂导入教学的策略,包括运用灵活多样的教学方法、合理安排课堂导入时间、导入内容接近学生生活、导入内容难度适中等,以引起教师对英语课堂导入教学方法的重视,根据学习动机理论设计自己的课堂导入教学,以克服英语课堂导入教学中存在的问题,改善自己的课堂导入教学方法,从而达到提高高中英语课堂教学整体效果的目的。







Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Learning Motivation-and Its Significance in Educational Practices-3

2.1 General ideas of learning motivation-3

2.1.1 Definition and classifications of learning motivation-3

2.2 Foreign language learning motivation-4

2.2.1 Definition and significance-4

2.3 Analysis of English teaching from the perspective of learning motivation-5

2.4 Analysis of English classroom lead-in teaching from the perspective of learning motivation-5

2.4.1 Lead-in teaching should follow the student-centered principle-6

2.4.2 The content of lead-in teaching should link up the old and new knowledge.-7

2.4.3 Lead-in teaching should be targeted-7

2.4.4 Lead-in teaching should be interesting and original-7

2.4.5 Lead-in teaching should be well—timed-8

Chapter Three Current Situation of English Classroom Lead-in Teaching in High School-9

3.1 A survey about lead-in teaching in high school-9

3.2 Causes leading to inefficiency of lead-in teaching in high school-10

3.2.1 Teaching in an fixed and boring way-10

3.2.2 Spending too much time on lead-in section-11

3.2.3 Designing lead-in content without considering students’ life experience-11

3.2.4  Ignoring students’ background knowledge-12

Chapter Four The Strategies of Effective Lead-in in High School English Classroom Teaching-13

4.1 Adopting flexible and diverse teaching methods-13

4.2 Spending suitable time on lead-in section-13

4.3 Designing lead-in content relevant to students’ lives-14

4.4 Designing lead-in content based on students’ background-14

Chapter 5 Conclusion-16



上传会员 巧克力奶茶 对本文的描述:And then the paper analyzes reasons that cause these problems. On the basis of above mentioned investigation and analysis, this paper puts forward teaching strategies that can improve English classroom lead-in teaching in high school based o......
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