
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Toni Morrison-1

1.2 Beloved-1

1.3 Literature Review-1

1.4 Composition of the Paper-2

Chapter Two Theoretical Framework-3

2.1 The Origin and Definition of Gothic-3

2.2 The Emergence and Features of Gothic Novels-3

Chapter Three Gothic Elements of Beloved-5

3.1 Setting-5

3.2 Characterization-6

3.3 Plot-7

Chapter Four Reasons for Applying Gothic in Beloved-9

4.1 Personal Reasons-9

4.2 Cultural and Historical Reasons-9

Chapter Five Conclusion-12





Toni Morrison, an American black novelist, won the Nobel Prize in 1993. Beloved is one of her representative works. The novel mainly tells the story of Beloved, the protagonist of the novel. She was murdered by her mother, then turned into ghost and came back to revenge. Her mother was isolated by the black community. With conscience torment and huge loneliness, she led a painful life. She worked hard to create her dream but ended with murdering her own daughter. With the remarkable use of all kinds of writing skills, Morrison expresses her deep understanding of the black slavery.

This paper mainly analyses the Gothic elements in Beloved and the reasons for applying Gothic elements. The study of Gothic elements in Beloved aims to expose the torment and agony suffered by the Black so as to further understand Morison's thought on human beings that hidden in the text.


Keywords:Toni Morrison  Beloved  Gothic elements

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:小说主要讲述了主人公宠儿被母亲割喉杀害后变成鬼魂回来报复母亲的故事。母亲也因而被黑人社区隔离,忍受着良知的折磨和巨大的孤独,过着痛苦的生活。母亲努力工作编织梦想,......
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