
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:胡胡杨 更新时间:2022-02-28
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I. Introduction-1

1.1 Research background-1

1.2 The purpose of research-1

1.3 The meaning of research-2

II. Literature review-3

2.1The definition of CLT-3

2.2 The characteristics of communicative language teaching-4

2.3 Relevant studies on CLT at home and abroad-5

2.3.1 Relevant studies on CLT at home-5

2.3.2 Relevant studies on CLT abroad-6

III. An overview of English reading teaching-7

3.1 What is reading-7

3.2 The strategies of English reading teaching-8

3.2.1 The role of teachers and students in English reading teaching-8

3.2.2 The strategies of English reading teaching-8

3.3 Relevant studies on the application of CLT in English reading teaching-10

3.3.1 Studies at home-10

3.3.2 Studies abroad-11

IV. Research on the situation of application of CLT in senior high English reading teaching-12

4.1 Research contents-12

4.2 Research subjects-12

4.3 Research method-12

4.4 Research procedure-12

4.5 Questionnaire-13

Ⅴ. Research result-14

5.1 Presentation of the data-14

5.2 Analysis of the research result-15

5.2.1 CLT in English reading teaching-16

5.2.2 CLT arousing students’ enthusiasm in English reading learning-17

5.2.3 Interesting communicative activities arousing students’ interest in English reading-17

5.2.4 Interesting and useful reading materials attracting students-17

5.3 Problems of the application of CLT in senior high English reading teaching-18

Ⅵ. Suggestions to the application of CLT in senior high English reading teaching-20

Ⅶ. Conclusion-23




上传会员 胡胡杨 对本文的描述:With the wide application of CLT in Chinese English teaching, there has been many research about the CLT and its application. This paper presents the theory of CLT and English reading teaching and relevant studies of combination of them. Wha......
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