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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Under the situation of globalization, English, as an international language, plays an important role in the international exchanges and has become an essential means of communication between the world and China. But now most college students in China do not have the ability to express themselves well in English. During these 20 years ,western linguists, in collaboration with psychologists ,have conducted a lot of researches and found that affective factors are among those which have great influence on the oral English expression of college English learners. Personal affective factors are closely linked to effect of expression. Positive affective factors like positive attitude, strong motivation can inspire students to improve their accuracy and fluency of oral English expression. On the contrary, negative affective factors such as anxiety and lower self-esteem can affect the effect and fluency of oral expression. This thesis explores the influence of affective factors on the oral English expression of college English learners based on the questionnaire conducted among 300 college English students from 6 departments in Xuzhou Institute of Technology, and will provide some instructive suggestions on college oral English teaching in the hope that it can be helpful for college students to improve their oral English expression. 

Keywords:  oral English expression  attitude  motivation  anxiety  self-esteem





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Affective Factors on Oral English Expression-3

2.1 Motivation-3

2.1.1 The Definition and Classification of Motivation-3

2.1.2 The Functions of Motivation-3

2.2 Attitude-5

2.2.1 The Definition of Attitude-5

2.2.2 The Characteristics and Classification of Attitude-5

2.2.3 The Influence of Attitude on the Oral English Expression-5

2.3 Anxiety-6

2.3.1 The Definition and Classification of Anxiety-6

2.3.2 The Influence of Anxiety on Oral English Expression-6

2.4 Self-esteem-7

2.4.1 The Definition and Classification of Self-esteem-7

2.4.2 Self-esteem’s Influence on Oral English Expression-7

Chapter Three Strategies to Improve Oral English Expression-9

3.1 To Foster Students’ Positive Attitude-9

3.2 To Motivate Students to Speak-9

3.3 To Alleviate Students’ Anxiety-10

3.4 To Strengthen Students’ Confidence-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-12



上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:西方语言学家和心理学家共同对影响大学生英语口语表达能力的因素进行了大量的研究,发现其中最大的影响因素之一是情感因素。而在学生口语表达过程中,个人的情感因素与表达效......
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