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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:This thesis analyzes language strategies of refusal in business invitation. Previous studies on business invitation primarily involve levels of linguistics and pragmatics as well as theoretical analysis of refusal strategies. Based on the Politeness Principle and Face-saving Theory, this thesis analyzes how to refuse the business invitation effectively. The study shows that language strategies of refusal can be divided into direct refusal strategy and indirect refusal strategy. Indirect refusal strategy consists of strategy of showing regret, strategy of showing positive attitude, strategy of implication, strategy of offering an alternative and strategy of showing empathy. The choice of the specific strategy is mainly affected by the sense of cultural value, social distance and communicating context. This thesis assists businessmen in choosing the appropriate strategy to refuse the business English invitation politely and maintain faces of both sides so as to keep a friendly and cooperative relationship.


Keywords:  business invitation  refusal  language strategies  politeness  face





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Definition of Business Invitation-1

1.2 Definition of Refusal-1

1.3 Motivation of the Present Study-1

1.4 Layout of the Paper-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Linguistic Analysis of Business Invitation-3

2.2 Pragmatic Analysis of Business Invitation-3

2.3 Refusal Strategies of Business Invitation-3

2.4 Comments on Previous Studies-3

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework: The Politeness Principle and Face-saving Theory.5

3.1 The Politeness Principle-5

3.2 Face-saving Theory-5

Chapter Four Language Strategies of Refusal in Business Invitation-7

4.1 Direct Refusal Strategy-7

4.2 Indirect Refusal Strategy-8

4.2.1 Showing Regret-8

4.2.2 Showing Positive Attitude-9

4.2.3 Implication-9

4.2.4 Offering an Alternative-10

4.2.5 Showing Empathy-11

4.3 Factors Influencing the Language Strategies of Refusal-12

4.3.1 Sense of Cultural Value-12

4.3.2 Social Distance-13

4.3.3 Situational Context-14

Chapter Five Conclusion-16

5.1 Major findings-16

5.2 Limitations-16


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:研究表明,商务邀请中拒绝的语言策略可分为直接拒绝策略和间接拒绝策略两大类,间接拒绝策略又包括道歉策略、友好态度策略、暗示策略、替代策略和移情策略。具体策略的选择主......
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