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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:The accelerating process of global economic integration makes business activities among countries become increasingly frequent, and business English negotiation is playing an increasingly prominent role. In essence, a business negotiation is the process where negotiators seek a consensus and reach an agreement through communication and consultation by means of language, among which two language skills—questioning and answering play a crucial role. In business English negotiation, the contact, exchange and cooperation between two sides are accomplished through repeated questions and replies. Therefore, it is particularly important for negotiators to master the skills of questioning and answering.

This thesis will comprehensively analyze the skills of questioning and answering in business English negotiation on the basis of previous studies, and it will mainly focus on their practical application in specific cases of business English negotiation. First, the thesis will introduce briefly the importance of questioning and answering in business English negotiation and the present research status on this topic. Then, it will describe several types of questioning and answering skills respectively, and analyze how to effectively apply these techniques to business English negotiation through case study. In addition, it will give supplement to the tips that should be noted in the application of the techniques. Finally, this thesis will draw a conclusion.


Keywords: business English negotiation  questioning  answering  skills





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Importance of English Business Negotiation-1

1.2 Questioning and Answering Skills in English Business Negotiation-1

1.3 Literature Review-2

Chapter Two Questioning Skills and Application in English Business Negotiation-4

2.1 Questioning Skills-4

2.1.1 Closed and Open Questioning-4

2.1.2 Discovery Questioning-5

2.2.1 Application of Closed and Open Questioning-5

2.2.3 Application of Roundabout Questioning-9

2.3 Tips in Questioning-9

Chapter Three Answering Skills and Application in English Business Negotiation-11

3.1 Answering Skills-11

3.1.1 Prepared Answering-11

3.1.2 Vague Answering-11

3.1.3 Partial Answering-11

3.2 Application of Answering Skills in English Business Negotiation-12

3.2.1 Application of Prepared Answering-12

3.2.2 Application of Vague Answering-12

3.2.3 Application of Partial Answering-14

3.3 Tips in Answering-14

Chapter Four Conclusion-16


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文在前人研究基础上,将综合分析商务英语谈判中的提问与答复技巧,并主要着眼于两种技巧在商务英语谈判案例中的具体运用。首先,论文将对商务英语谈判中“提问”与“答复”......
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