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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:With the advancing of globalization and the increasing economic development of China, foreign publicity through news is helpful to increase foreigners’ recognition and knowledge of our country and prompt its international position in the world. Translation is one of the most important approaches to convey messages and achieve cross-cultural communication among nations. As one carrier of language and culture, culture-loaded words are rich in foreign publicity news. The typical national cultural features embodied in them caused obstacles in the process of C-E translation. 

In the thesis, under the guidance of Relevance Theory, the directing principles and major strategies for translating culture-loaded words in foreign publicity news from Chinese to English are explored based on the analysis of foreign publicity news’ features and the connotations of culture-loaded words in it. The general strategies include literal translation, liberal translation, omission, transliteration, etc. 


Keywords:  Relevance Theory  foreign publicity news  culture-loaded words   translation






Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Significance and Purpose of the Study-1

1.2 The Structure of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two Previous Studies of Relevance Theory-3

2.1 Introduction of Relevance Theory-3

2.2 Related Researches at Home and Abroad-3

Chapter Three Features of Chinese Culture-loaded Words of Foreign Publicity News-5

3.1 Definition of Culture-loaded Words-5

3.2 Culture-loaded Words in Foreign Publicity News-5

3.2.1 Features of Foreign Publicity News-5

3.2.2 Culture-loaded Words’ Connotations in Foreign Publicity News-5

Chapter Four Translation Strategies of Culture-loaded Words in Foreign Publicity News Based on Relevance Theory-8

4.1 Translation Principles-8

4.2 Translation Strategies-8

4.2.1 Literal Translation-8

4.2.2 Liberal Translation-9

4.2.3 Omission-10

4.2.4 Transliteration-10

Chapter Five Conclusion-12

5.1 Summary-12

5.2 Limitation-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:作为语言和文化的载体,富含文化负载词的外宣新闻带有明显的民族文化特征,从而构成了翻译中的文化障碍。本文从关联理论的视角出发,通过对外宣新闻的特点及文化负载词内涵的......
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