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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-05
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Abstract:This thesis, by researching identity construction in commencement addresses at            top American universities, aims to studying intensively identity construction from a pragmatic perspective, thus to reveal the motivation of different identity constructions. Many ways can be applied to construct pragmatic identities to reach different purposes. This paper’s major findings are: 1) Applying the first person “we” shorten the distance between audience and speaker. constructing a person with great team spirit. 2) Humor is a good way to construct a friendly and intimate identity. 3) Rhetorical questions can expose speakers’ wisdom to construct an intelligent identity. Learning more about these strategies will be helpful for us to reach purposes in drafting your speech.

Key words: Identity Construction; Commencement Addresses; Pragmatics Perspective





1. Introduction1

2. Theoretic Framework.2

  2.1 Identity and Pragmatic Identity

2.2 Previous Studies on Pragmatic Identity

3. Pragmatic Analysis of Identity Construction in Commencement Addresses at Top American Universities .3

3.1 Identity in Speeches

3.2 Identity Construction Strategies in the Speeches

3.2.1 Vocabulary

  3.2.2 Syntax

  3.2.3 Rhetoric Application





上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文通过从语用学角度研究在毕业季大热的美国名校毕业演讲中的身份构建, 由此总结在演讲中构建不同身份的手段和效果。本研究主要发现包括1)第一人称“我们”的使用可以缩短演......
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