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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:The thesis mainly studies the application of functional translation theory to the translation of Chinese normative legal text into English and attempts to find out what translation principles may be used in practical translation of normative legal text. In the paper, the author makes use of exemplification and the combination of induction and deduction approach. In order to better study the topic, this thesis discussed the language features of English version of normative legal text from lexical level and syntactic level. Then the thesis elaborates on the functions of normative legal text. By research we conclude that the principles of “accuracy, consistency and concision” are usually applied to the translation of normative legal text. In addition, due to cultural difference, translators should take a careful consideration of loyalty to source text under the guidance of functional translation theory.

Key words: functional translation theory; normative legal document; translation; principles





1. Introduction-1

2.Literature Review-1

2.1 A Brief Introduction of Functional Translation Theory

2.2 Previous Study on C-E Translation of Normative Legal Text

2.3 Language Features of English Version of Normative Legal Text

2.3.1 The Definition of Normative Legal Text

2.3.2 The Lexical Feature of English Version of Normative Legal Text

2.3.2The Syntactic Feature of English Version of Normative Legal Text

3. Function of Normative Legal Text-7

3.1 Regulatory Function of Normative Legal Text

3.2 Declarative Function of Normative Legal Text

4.Translation Principles and Strategies of Normative Legal Text-9

4.1 Principles

4.1.1 Principle of Accuracy

4.1.2 Principle of Consistency

4.1.3 Principle of Concision

4.2 Strategies

4.2.1 Strategy of Amplification

4.2.2 Conversion of Parts of Speech

5. Conclusion-12




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文首先从词法和句法层面讨论了英文版规范性法律文本的语言特征;其次阐述了规范性法律文本的功能。研究表明,在汉语规范性法律文本的英译中,译者常遵循“准确性原则,一致......
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