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英语虚化动词结构的认知分析--以TAKE A VN为例_英语论文.doc

资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:This thesis aims to explore the formation mechanism of delexicalized verb construction with special reference to the structure “TAKE a Vn”. The author chose cognitive linguistics as the theoretical framework. On the basis of the related theories of cognitive linguistics and the analysis of large number of examples, this author has adopted synthetic and analytic methods, descriptive and explicative methods, induction and deduction to discuss the above questions. The research shows that decategorization, metaphor and metonymy are the main mechanisms in the formations of English delexicalized verb constructions.  Since the paper only selects “take a Vn” as a case study, whether our conclusion is also fit for explaining other delexicalized verb constructions or not, it needs further study.


Key words:  delexicalized verb construction; decategorization; metaphor; metonymy





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Cognitive Analysis of Delexicalized Verb Constructions-4

3.1 Decategorization-4

3.2 Metaphor-6

3.2.1 Introduction of Metaphor-6

3.2.2 The Application of Metaphor-7

3.3 Metonymy-8

3.3.1 Introduction of Metonymy-8

3.3.2 The Application of Metonymy-10

4. Conclusions-10




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文以动词TAKE形成的虚化动词结构为例,旨在探讨英语虚化动词结构的形成机制。本文以认知语言学为理论基础,考查了大量例证,研究时采用综合与分析、描写与解释、归纳与演绎相结......
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