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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:The novel No Longer at Ease is written by the famous African novelist Chinua Achebe. The conflict between the Nigerian indigenous culture and Western culture has caused a series of troubles for the protagonist Obi in this novel and has led to his corruption. This thesis will analyze the novel from the perspective of cultural conflict. This thesis concludes that the conflict between the two cultures in both of which Obi has been immersed lands him in a dilemma which he is incapable of getting out of. 

Keywords: Chinua Achebe, corruption; cultural conflict; Obi 





1. Introduction -1

1.1 Introduction to Chinua Achebe and No Longer at Ease 

1.2 Literature Review 

2. Contributing Factors to the Vacillating Personality of Obi -3

2.1 Hybridization of Two Cultures 

2.2 Mutual Disillusionment Between Obi and His Community 

3. Converging Causes of Obi’s Corruption .6

3.1 Internal Factors 

3.2 External Factors 

4. Conclusion .8


Bibliography .10

Acknowledgement 11

上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:小说《再也不得安宁》是由非洲著名小说家钦努阿·阿契贝所撰写。小说中,尼日利亚的本土文化与西方外来文化之间的差异使得主人公奥比身陷重重困境并导致了其最终的腐败。本文从......
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